A Tribute to Pioneers of Wyoming Jade HuntingWyomingjade.com

Wyoming Jade Tribute to Dale and Gwen Scherling - the pioneer "Jadehunters"

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This site is a tribute to the great Jadehunters, Dale and Gwen Scherling, who spent much of their lives finding, working and loving Wyoming Jade.  Dale and Gwen were famous for the incredible quality and workmanship on one-of-a-kind jewelry pieces which are treasured today.

Dale and Gwen Scherling were my parents.  Their legacy lives on in any who treasure Wyoming Jade.  The family maintains some slices, cabs, slicks and slabs which are available for purchase.

Contact Alan Scherling, 602-525-7600 AZLandPro@gmail.com to discuss what you may be interested in.

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